嵌入式操作系统与调试监控器中断共享方法如有对接意向,请电话垂询010-68918340 嵌入式操作系统与调试监控器中断共享方法 本发明涉及一种基于多调试器技术的机载飞控软件同步调试方法。本发明的调试方法包括采用机载实时嵌入式操作系统,操作系统支持基于优先级的多任务可抢占调度,操作系统不接管调试监控器需要的特殊中断,操作系统将未接管的中断处理程序入口地址放在一个约定的地址,调试监控器发现是应用需要的中断时通过约定的地址调用操作系统的中断处理程序入口。本发明通过与调试监控器协作,较好的解决了同一中断上不同中断源,并且不同中断源的处理程序分别在调试监控程序和应用程序中的问题,同时本发明的方法可以很容易的在不同的硬件架构上实现。
Embeddedoperation system and debugging monitor interruption sharing method Theinvention relates to an airborne flight control software synchronous debuggingmethod based on a multi-debugger technology. The airborne flight control softwaresynchronous debugging method comprises the steps that an airborne real-time embeddedoperation system is adopted; the operation system supports the multitaskpreemptible dispatch based on the priority, does not take over specialinterruption needed by a debugging monitor and places an address of an entry ofan interruption handling program which is not taken over at an appointed address;and when finding interruption needed by the application, the debugging monitorcalls the entry of the interruption handling program of the operation systemthrough the appointed address. Through cooperation of the operation system andthe debugging monitor, the problems that same interruption has differentinterruption sources, and handling programs of the different interruption sourcesare in debugging monitoring programs and application programs are solved; and meanwhile,the method can be realized on different hardware frameworks quite easily.